


  1. toissijainen, toisarvoinen

Liittyvät sanat: secondarily



  1. alainen, alempiarvoinen, toisarvoinen, vähäpätöinen, alempi, junioriasteen, alempitasoinen, alhainen, vaatimaton, merkityksetön, vähäinen, ali-.

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toinen puolustuslinja


sekundaarikäämi Next in order to the first or primary; of second place in origin, rank, etc.
Originating from a deputy or delegated person or body


puhekieltä Derived from a parent compound by replacement of two atoms of hydrogen by organic radicals
puhekieltä produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rocks mass
puhekieltä developed by pressure or other causes.
puhekieltä Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird.
puhekieltä Dependent or consequent upon another disease, or occurring in the second stage of a disease.

Brights disease is often secondary to scarlet fever.''

the secondary symptoms of syphilis

Of less than primary importance.
puhekieltä related to secondary education, i.e. schooling between the ages of 11 and 18
puhekieltä relating to the manufacture of goods from raw materials.
puhekieltä Formed by mixing primary colors.

Yellow is a secondary light color, though a primary CMYK color.

puhekieltä Any flight feather attached to the ulna (forearm) of a bird.
puhekieltä An act of issuing more stock by an already publicly traded corporation.
puhekieltä The defensive backs.
puhekieltä An inductive coil or loop that is magnetically powered by a primary in a transformer or similar
One who occupies a subordinate or auxiliary place; a delegate deputy.

the secondary, or undersheriff, of the city of London

Old Escalus (..) is thy secondary.
puhekieltä A secondary circle.
puhekieltä A satellite.
(non-gloss definition)


secondary rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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