

  1. hanke, projekti

  2. salahanke, salaliitto

  3. kaava, kaavakuva, kaavio, diagrammi, suunnitelma

  4. järjestelmä

Liittyvät sanat: schemer



  1. hahmotelma, malli, luonnos, suuntaviivat, suunnitelma, ohjelma, toimintasuunnitelma, strategia, juoni, metku, petos, terrorismin torjuntastrategia, pelisuunnitelma.

Lisää synonyymejää







valhe A systematic plan of future action.
Jonathan Swift

The stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes.
{{quote-magazine|title=Ideas coming down the track|date=2013-06-01|volume=407|issue=8838
A plot or secret, devious plan.
An orderly combination of related parts.
John Locke
the appearance and outward scheme of things
such a scheme of things as shall at once take in time and eternity
J. Edwards
arguments (..) sufficient to support and demonstrate a whole scheme of moral philosophy
The Revolution came and changed his whole scheme of life.
A chart or diagram of a system or object.
to draw an exact scheme of Constantinople, or a map of France
puhekieltä A type of topological space.
puhekieltä A council housing estate.
2008, (w), Kieron Smith, Boy, Penguin 2009, p. 101:
It was all too dear. They all just put their prices up because it was out in the scheme.
puhekieltä An artful deviation from the ordinary arrangement of words.
puhekieltä A representation of the aspects of the celestial body bodies for any moment or at a given event.
Sir Walter Scott
a blue case, from which was drawn a scheme of nativity
puhekieltä Part of a uniform resource identifier indicating the protocol or other purpose, such as http: or news:.
puhekieltä To plot, or contrive a plan.
A shadow, a shade; a darkness created by an object obstructing light
A shadow, a shade; something which is barely perceptible or not physical

...lose se van der (m) der dusternisse unde van deme scheme des dodes. (" them from the power of darkness and the shadow of death." )

A shimmer; a soft or weak occurrence of light
twilight; the lighting conditions at dusk and dawn
A face mask


scheme rimmaa näiden kanssa:

me, saame, koltansaame, madame, hame, nahkahame, pellavahame, tweedhame, vannehame, midihame

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