


  1. äänisignaalista digitoitu näyte

  2. lyhyt nauhoitettu pätkä ääntä, jota käytetään osana musiikkiteosta

Esimerkkejä sample sanan käytöstä:

Ensimmäisiä laajalle levinneitä esimerkkejä sämple-käytöstä ovat Public Enemy -yhtyeen 1980-luvun lopulla julkaisemat albumit. Sittemmin sämple-käyttö on levinnyt muihinkin musiikin lajeihin. (



  1. tarkastusotanta, toimitetun tavaran tarkastus pistokokein, näyte, näytepala, esimerkki, tapaus, otos, koekappaleen aihio, poikkileikkaus, läpileikkaus, otanta.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: sampleri.





näyte A part or snippet of something taken or presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole; a specimen

a blood sample

May 7 2014, Anh Do writing in (w), War orphan named Precious Pearl' reunites with South Vietnamese soldier who rescued her in '72''
Then one day in May 2012, he picked up a free sample of a Vietnamese-language magazine based in New Jersey. In it, he saw an article about a career Navy officer named Kimberly Mitchell and her search into her past.
1869, (w), w:Lorna Doone|Lorna Doone Chapter 15
He looked down into Glen Doone first, and sniffed as if he were smelling it, like a sample of goods from a wholesale house; and then he looked at the hills over yonder, and then he stared at me.
puhekieltä A subset of a population selected for measurement, observation or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population.

" is possible it the Anglo-Saxon race might stand second to the Scandinavian countries in average height if a fair sample of their population were obtained." Francis Galton et al. (1883). Final Report of the Anthropometric Committee, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 269.

puhekieltä a small piece of food for tasting, typically given away for free
puhekieltä a small piece of some goods, for determining quality, colour, etc., typically given away for free
puhekieltä Gratuitous borrowing of easily recognised phases (or moments) from other music (or movies) in a recording.
1 December 2016, Peter Bradshaw writing in (w) Blue Velvet review – still inventive, sexy and bizarre''
Jeffrey conceives a fascination with nightclub singer Dorothy Vallens (Isabella Rossellini) who sings Blue Velvet, while her abusive, misogynist sugar-daddy Frank (Dennis Hopper) watches, caressing a sample of this same material.
puhekieltä example Example; pattern.
a sample to the youngest
Thus he concludes, and every hardy knight / His sample followed.
puhekieltä To make or show something similar to; to match.
puhekieltä To take or to test a sample or samples of
1895, (w), The adventures of Captain Horn Chapter 43
Mok was enjoying himself very much. It was not often that he had such an opportunity to sample the delights of Paris. His young master, Ralph, had given him strict orders never to go out at night, or in his leisure hours, unless accompanied by Cheditafa.
1893, (w), (w) Chapter 1
They had just finished their breakfast, and the sight of the remains of it almost overpowered me. I could hardly keep my wits together in the presence of that food, but as I was not asked to sample it, I had to bear my trouble as best I could.
puhekieltä To reduce a continuous signal (such as a sound wave) to a discrete signal.
puhekieltä To reuse a portion of (an existing sound recording) in a new song.
puhekieltä (l)


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