

  1. uhkayritys, poistuminen, poikkeaminen, poikkeus, sotilaallinen toiminta, toiminta, rynnäkkö, hyökkäys, huomautus, kommentti, palaute, sutkautus, letkautus, nokkela vastaus, sutkaus, lohkaisu.

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nokkela vastaus

poistuminen A willow
Any tree that looks like a willow
An object made from the above trees' wood
A sortie of troops from a besieged place against an enemy.
A sudden rushing forth.
puhekieltä A witty statement or quip, usually at the expense of one's interlocutor.
An excursion or side trip.
John Locke

Everyone shall know a country better that makes often sallies into it, and traverses it up and down, than he that (..) goes still round in the same track.
A tufted woollen part of a bellrope, used to provide grip when ringing a bell.
puhekieltä To make a sudden attack on an enemy from a defended position.

The troops sallied in desperation.

puhekieltä To set out on an excursion; venture; depart (often followed by "forth.")

As she sallied forth from her boudoir, you would never have guessed how quickly she could strip for action. -William Manchester

puhekieltä To venture off the beaten path.
puhekieltä A member of the Salvation Army.


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