

  1. roska-



  1. hölynpöly, roska, puppu, pöty, liirumlaarum, höpötys, höpinä, höpöpuhe, slangi, ammattikieli, erikoiskieli, murre, ammattislangi, jargon, jätteet, jätemateriaali, jäteaines, kuona-aine, jätökset, jäte, romu, tähteet, romurauta, pöly, tomu, roju, rauniot, sora, pirstaleet, roina.

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roska puhekieltä Exceedingly bad; awful; terrible; crappy.

This has been a rubbish day, and its about to get worse: my mother-in-law is coming to stay.''

1989, Phil South, Rage Hard (in Your Sinclair magazine, June 1989)
Disk interfaces have been around since the year dot, as people soon realised that the microdrive was unreliable, unstable and generally rubbish for the storage of anything, useless except as a rather small beermat.
puhekieltä Expresses that something is exceedingly bad, terrible or awful.

The one day I actually practice my violin, the teacher cancels the lesson.

Aw, rubbish! Though at least this means you have time to play football...

Expresses that what was recently said is untruth or nonsense.

Rubbish! I did nothing of the sort!

garbage Garbage, junk, refuse, waste.

The rubbish is collected every Thursday in Gloucester, but on Wednesdays in Cheltenham.

nonsense Nonsense.

Everything the teacher said during that lesson was rubbish. How can she possibly think that a bass viol and a cello are the same thing?

Fragments of buildings; ruins; debris.
He saw the town's one half in rubbish lie.
To denounce, to criticise, to denigrate, to disparage.


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rove, rovio, royalty, rubato, rubiini, rubiininpunainen

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