


  1. kuninkaallisuus

  2. kuninkaalliset

  3. liiketalous|k=en tekijänoikeusmaksu, rojalti

Liittyvät sanat: highness



  1. suku, kuninkaallinen, kuninkaallinen perhe, ruhtinassuku, kuningashuone, kuningasperhe, Hannover-suku, Hannoverin suku, Habsburg, Hohenzollern, Lancaster, Lancasterin linja, Lancaster-suku.

Lisää synonyymejää




tekijänpalkkio, rojalti The rank, status, power or authority of a monarch.
People of royal rank, plus their families, treated as a group.
A royal right or prerogative, such as the exploitation of a natural resource; the granting of such a right; payment received for such a right.
The payment received by an owner of real property for exploitation of mineral rights on his property.
puhekieltä Payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc for the sale or use of intellectual property, invention etc.
puhekieltä Someone in a privileged position
(quote-journal)|city=London|date=27 June 2016|passage=England will have another manager for the next World Cup, Hodgson’s reign will be defined by a result comparable to losing to the United States in the 1950 World Cup and the now-familiar inquest will begin again in a country that likes to see itself as football royalty.
puhekieltä A king and a queen as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em.
English royalty (all senses)
English royalty (payment)


royalty rimmaa näiden kanssa:

platy, vety, rikkivety, hiilivety, syaanivety, kloorivety, raskasvety, fifty-fifty, lyhty, saunalyhty

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

rovastinna, rove, rovio, royalty, rubato, rubiini

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