
Esimerkkejä rous sanan käytöstä:

To my mind, a splendiferous woman and a first-chop horse are the noblest works of creation. — Sam Slick, Human Nature, p. 280.

There’s something so fascinating in the first blush of evening that it’s enough to make a man strip off his jacket of mortality, and swim through the gulf of death, for the sake of reaching the splendiferous splendors that decorate the opposite shore. — Dow’s Sermons, Vol. I. p. 69.

“Heaven, my beloved hearers,” said he, “is a glorious, a beautiful, a splendiferous, an angeliferous place. Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, it has not entered into the imagination of any Cracker in these here diggings what carryings on the just made perfect have up thar.”

It is singular that Drayton, the poet of Queen Elizabeth’s time, should have coined a similar word, splendidious, as well as the word splend’rous:—



  1. Rous, Peyton Rous, Francis Peyton Rous.

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Liittyvät sanat: rouskahtaa, rouske, rousku, rouskua, rouskutella, rouskuttaa.


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kierous, nerous, kirous, kirkonkirous, jurous, kuurous

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