


  1. ranta


englanti puhekieltä A coast, a shore.
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
Ryght soo departed Galahad / Percyual / and Bors with hym / and soo they rode thre dayes / and thenne they came to a Ryuage and fonde the shyp(..)/ And whanne they cam to the borde / they fonde in the myddes the table of syluer / whiche they had lefte with the maymed kynge and the Sancgreal whiche was couerd with rede samyte
1892, Michael Field, "The Death of Procris"
...leaves have taken flight
From yon
Slim seedling-birch on the rivage, the flock
Of herons has the quiet of solitude...


(w) (1809-1892)
From the green rivage many a fall / Of diamond rillets musical.
puhekieltä A duty paid to the crown for the passage of vessels on certain rivers.
bank; shore; coast
riverbank or shore


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