

  1. reportteri, toimittaja

  2. selostaja

Liittyvät sanat: report



  1. viestijä, reportteri, lehtimies, toimittaja, lehtinainen, televisiotoimittaja, tv-uutistoimittaja, TV-toimittaja, TV-uutistenlukija.

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reportteri agent noun|Agent noun of report; someone or something that reports.
A journalist who investigates, edits and reports news stories for newspapers, radio and television.
A person who records and issues official reports of judicial or legislative proceedings.
puhekieltä A case reporter; a bound volume of printed legal opinions from a particular jurisdiction.
puhekieltä A gene attached by a researcher to a regulatory sequence of another gene of interest, typically used as an indication of whether a certain gene has been taken up by or expressed in the cell or organism population.
puhekieltä a (l), a journalist
(form of)
to carry something back to where it was
to wear again
to transfer (gloss)

Reporter son amour sur quelquun — To transfer ones love to somebody

to put back; to put off; to postpone

Après avoir été reportées de nombreuses fois, les épreuves ont finalement eu lieu.

puhekieltä To carry or take back in time

Il faut se reporter au mois dernier pour comprendre. — We have to go back in time amonth to understand.

puhekieltä To refer; to check

Pour mieux saisir le problème, on se reportera au chapitre 4. — To better understand the issue, the reader is referred to chapter 4.

puhekieltä To carry over or forward

Cet idiot avait oublié de reporter un 3! — That idiot forgot to carry over a 3!

A news Noun reporter; a journalist.
(l) (journalist)
(inflection of)
puhekieltä a (l)
to bring back
to gain; to get (take possession of)


(l) (journalist who investigates)


reporter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter

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