

  1. rekisteri

  2. musiikki|k=en ääniala

Liittyvät sanat: registration



  1. uunin pelti, säädin, säätölaite, sointi, sointiväri, vire, ääni, rekisteri, päärekisteri, pää-ääni, korkea ääni.

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uunin pelti


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rekisteri A formal recording of names, events, transactions etc.

The teacher took the register by calling out each childs name.''

A book of such entries.
As you have one eye upon my follies, (..) turn another into the register of your own.
An entry in such a book.
The act of registering.
A certificate issued by the collector of customs of a port or district to the owner of a vessel, containing the description of a vessel, its name, ownership, and other material facts. It is kept on board the vessel, to be used as evidence of nationality or as a muniment of title.
One who registers or records; a registrar; especially, a public officer charged with the duty of recording certain transactions or events.

a register of deeds

A device that automatically records a quantity.
The part of a telegraphic apparatus that automatically records the message received.
puhekieltä A list of received calls in a phone set.
puhekieltä A small unit of very fast memory that is directly accessible to the central processing unit, and is mostly used to store inputs, outputs or intermediate results of computations.
1992, Michael A. Miller, The 68000 Microprocessor Family: Architecture, Programming, and Applications (page 47)
When the microprocessor decodes the JSR opcode, it stores the operand into the TEMP register and pushes the current contents of the PC ($00 0128) onto the stack.
2014, Jason Gregory, Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition (page 90)
If you can trace back through the disassembly to where the variable is first loaded into a register, you can often discover its value or its address by inspecting that register.
puhekieltä The exact alignment of lines, margins and colors.
puhekieltä The inner part of the mould in which types are cast.
puhekieltä The range of a voice or instrument.
puhekieltä An organ stop.
puhekieltä A style of a language used in a particular context
My ex-boss used "let go", in the euphemistic register, when he sacked me.
It seems equally clear that the ‘Complement + Prepositionʼ order illustrated in (172) (a) is likewise highly marked, and hence subject to heavy restrictions on its use. And sure enough, this does indeed seem to be the case: for one thing, forms such as thereafter, herein, whereby are stylistically highly marked (e.g. they are only used in particular registers such as legal language).
A grille at the outflow of a ventilation duct.
puhekieltä (short for)
puhekieltä To enter in a register.
puhekieltä To enroll, especially to vote.
2008, Barack Obama, Letter to Vibe Magazine
I am running for President to take this country in a new direction. But I can’t do it alone. I need you. Whether it’s the first time, or the first time in a long time, I need you to register and vote on November 4th.
puhekieltä To record, especially in writing.
1914, Jack London, The Mutiny of the Elsinore Chapter VII
In every way dinner proved up beyond my expectations, and I registered a note that the cook, whoever or whatever he might be, was a capable man at his trade.
puhekieltä To buy the full version of a trial software.

This is a trial version, and is going to expire in 30 days! Please register!

puhekieltä To express outward signs.
puhekieltä To record officially and handle specially.
puhekieltä To adjust so as to be properly aligned.
puhekieltä To place one's name, or have one's name placed in a register.
puhekieltä To enroll as a student.
puhekieltä To make an impression.
puhekieltä To be in proper alignment.
puhekieltä To voluntarily sign over for safe keeping, abandoning complete ownership for partial.

Hun er ikke i registret for varulve.

She is not in the registry of werewolves.

puhekieltä (l)
2006, Danske studier (ISBN 9788778764782)
I midten af 1970&39;erne etablerede Child Directed Speech sig som en retning inden for børnesprogsforskningen, oprindeligt fordi man var inspireret af den antropologisk og sociolingvistisk funderede identifikation af et særligt register, Baby Talk, som voksne bruger i talen til børn (Ferguson 1977).
: In the mid-1970's, Child Directed Speech established itself as a branch in child language research, originally because one was inspired by the anthropologically and sociolingustically founded identification of a special register, Baby Talk, that adults use in speech with children (Ferguson 1977).
1974, Dialektstudier
I den sociolingvistiske litteratur læser man ofte at samtaleemnet som en komponent der indgår i de sprogligt interagerendes respektive definitioner af situationen,(si) kan have indflydelse på valget af den kode eller det register som samtalen føres i.
: In sociolingustic literature, one often reads that the dialog topic, as a component in the lingustically interacting persons' respective definitions of the situation, may influence the choice of the code or register in which the dialogue is conducted.
a (l) (qualifier)
puhekieltä a (l) (qualifier)
a English register, a list, an index, a catalog, a directory, a database
a machine that keeps a register, a cash register


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