


  1. (tarkasteleva) katse, katsanto, tarkastelu; huomiointi

  2. arvo, arvonanto

Esimerkkejä regard sanan käytöstä:

in this regard

with every regard to the seriousness of the situation

Mr. Smith seems to hold you in high regard. - Herra Smith näyttää pitävän sinua arvossa.

Liittyvät sanat: disregard



  1. välinpitämätön, piittaamaton, valpas, tarkkaavainen, huomaavainen, huomioonottava, ajatteleva, tuijotus, kiinteä katse, katse, huomio, tarkkaavaisuus, huomion kiinnittäminen, huoli, huomioonotto.

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kiinteä katse




luottamus puhekieltä A steady look, a gaze. (defdate)
1982, (w), Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (qualifier), p. 750:

He bathed in the memory of her blondness, of her warm blue regard, and the sentiment permeated his sensibility with tenderness made the more rich because its object was someone long since dead.
One's concern for another; esteem. (defdate)
puhekieltä A particular aspect or detail; respect, sense. (defdate)
1842, Treuttel and Würtz, The Foreign Quarterly Review, page 144:
This attempt will be made with every regard to the difficulty of the undertaking....
1903, Kentucky Mines and Minerals Dept, Annual Report, page 186:
We are spending a lot of money trying to put this mine in shape; we are anxious to comply with the wishes of your office in every regard ....
1989, Leonard W. Poon, David C. Rubin, Barbara A. Wilson, Everyday Cognition in Adulthood and Late Life, Cambridge University Press, page 399:
These problems were not traditional problems with realistic stimuli, but rather were realistic in every regard.
puhekieltä The worth or estimation in which something or someone is held.

He is held in great regard in Whitehall.

puhekieltä To set store by (something), to hold (someone) in esteem; to consider to have value, to respect. (defdate)
1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Luke XVIII:
There was a Judge in a certaine cite, which feared not god nether regarded man.
To look at; to observe. (defdate)

She regarded us warily.

puhekieltä To consider, look upon (something) in a given way etc. (defdate)

I always regarded tabloid journalism as a social evil.

He regards honesty as a duty.

Your niece regards me with an eye of favour.
His associates seem to have regarded him with kindness.
puhekieltä To take notice of, pay attention to. (defdate)
If much you note him, / You offend him; (..) feed, and regard him not.
puhekieltä To face toward.
It is a peninsula, which regardeth the main land.
John Evelyn
that exceedingly beautiful seat of my Lord Pembroke, on the ascent of a hill, flanked with wood, and regarding the river
puhekieltä To have to do with, to concern. (defdate)

That argument does not regard the question.

look, glance

un regard en coin

a side glance

puhekieltä sight, gaze, eyes

Ne téloigne pas de mon regard.''

Dont go far out of my sight.''

1885, Loreau, Heriette (trans.), L’Ami commun (w:Our Mutual Friend|Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens), s:fr:L’Ami_commun/IV/10 Part IV, chapter 10:
Son regard s’arrêta fixe et morne, sans plus rien exprimer.
: His eyes stood still, and settled into that former intent unmeaning stare.
look; observance; watching (act, instance of looking at)




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