


  1. ilmoittaa

  2. väittää, sanoa

Liittyvät sanat: profession , professor



  1. väittää, tunnustaa, myöntää, tunnustaa kaikki, kakistaa ulos, tuoda julki, opettaa, luvata, vannoa, vakuuttaa, tehdä lupaus, julistaa.

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Liittyvät sanat: professionaalinen, professori, professorinvirka, professuuri.





tuoda julki

tehdä lupaus

tunnustaa puhekieltä To administer the vows of a religious order to (someone); to admit to a religious order. (Chiefly in passive.) (defdate)
2000, Butlers Lives of the Saints'', p.118:

This swayed the balance decisively in Mary's favour, and she was professed on 8 September 1578.
puhekieltä To declare oneself (to be something). (defdate)
2011, Alex Needham, The Guardian, 9 Dec.:
Kiefer professes himself amused by the fuss that ensued when he announced that he was buying the Mülheim-Kärlich reactor(nb..).
puhekieltä To declare; to assert, affirm. (defdate)
c. 1604, (w), Measure for Measure, First Folio 1623:
He professes to haue receiued no sinister measure from his Iudge, but most willingly humbles himselfe to the determination of Iustice(nb..).
The best and wisest of them all professed / To know this only, that he nothing knew.
1974, ‘The Kansas Kickbacks’, Time, 11 Feb 1974:
The Governor immediately professed that he knew nothing about the incident.
puhekieltä To make a claim (to be something), to lay claim to (a given quality, feeling etc.), often with connotations of insincerity. (defdate)
2010, Hélène Mulholland, The Guardian, 28 Sep 2010:
Ed Miliband professed ignorance of the comment when he was approached by the BBC later.
puhekieltä To declare one's adherence to (a religion, deity, principle etc.). (defdate)
1983, Alexander Mcleish, The Frontier Peoples of India, Mittal Publications 1984, p.122:
The remainder of the population, about two-thirds, belongs to the Mongolian race and professes Buddhism.
puhekieltä To work as a professor of; to teach. (defdate)
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.12:
he was a Spaniard, who about two hundred yeeres since professed Physicke in Tholouse(nb..).
puhekieltä To claim to have knowledge or understanding of (a given area of interest, subject matter). (defdate)


  • proffa: professori


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topless, business

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