


  1. aapinen; alkeiskirja

  2. rukouskirja

Liittyvät sanat: prime



  1. maalikerros, pohjustus, sytytyslanka, pohjamaali, pohjaväri, pohjamaalaus, sytytin, sytyke, sytkäri, turvasulake.

Lisää synonyymejää



sytyke, sytytin

alkeiskirja, aapinen

pohjamaali puhekieltä A prayer book|prayer or devotional book intended for laity, initially an abridgment of the breviary and manual including the hours of the Virgin Mary, 15 gradual and 7 penitential psalms, the litany, the placebo and dirige forming the office of the dead, and the commendations.
puhekieltä similar Similar works issued in England for private prayer in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer.
A children's book intended to teach literacy: how to read, write, and spell.

1545, The A.B.C. Primers

An introductory text on any subject, particularly basic concepts.
puhekieltä An elementary school class; an elementary school student.
any Any substance or device used to ignite a fire, puhekieltä any priming wire, blasting cap, or other device used to ignite gunpowder or other explosive.
puhekieltä A person who primes explosives.
any Any substance used to prime wood, metal, etc.
A layer of such a substance.
puhekieltä A person who primes wood, metal, etc.
puhekieltä A molecule which initiates the synthesis of an enzyme, puhekieltä a single-stranded nucleic acid molecule which initiates DNA replication.
puhekieltä A pheromone which interacts first with the endocrine system.
A device used to prime an internal combustion engine with gasoline, puhekieltä in airplanes.
A person who prunes trees.
puhekieltä first First in time, initial, early.
the primer English kings
puhekieltä first First in importance, premier.
puhekieltä first First in position, foremost.
puhekieltä first
puhekieltä prime (sense)
first; before anything else
to dominate, to be dominant over
to win (a prize)
to prevail, take precedent


(alternative form of)
puhekieltä (l) (hymn book)
example, instance
model, paragon
example (something representative of a group)
puhekieltä (apocopic form of) (gloss)

El primer hijo - “the first child”

ranska sous-couche (f)


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