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Katso myös: curry, karri



  1. karri.

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curry, currypata


maustaa currylla


muokata One of a family of dishes originating from South Asian cuisine, flavoured by a spiced sauce.
A spiced sauce or relish, especially one flavoured with curry powder.
curry powder|Curry powder
puhekieltä To cook or season with curry powder.
puhekieltä To groom (a horse); to dress or rub down a horse with a curry comb.
(w) (1603-1625)

Your short horse is soon curried.
puhekieltä To dress (leather) after it is tanned by beating, rubbing, scraping and colouring.
puhekieltä To beat, thrash; to drub.
I have seen him curry a fellow's carcass handsomely.
1663, (w), by (w), part 1, s:Hudibras/Part 1/Canto 1|canto 1
(..)By setting brother against brother / To claw and curry one another.
puhekieltä To try to win or gain (favour) by flattering.
puhekieltä To perform currying upon.
puhekieltä To scurry; to ride or run hastily.
puhekieltä To cover (a distance); (of a projectile) to traverse (its range).
1608, George Chapman, The Conspiracie, and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron 2.245
I am not hee that can ... by midnight leape my horse, curry seauen miles.
1662, Thomas Salusbury, Galileos Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems'' (Dialogue Two)
All these shots shall curry or finish their ranges in times equal to each other.
puhekieltä To hurry.
1676, Andrew Marvell, Mr. Smirke 34
A sermon is soon curryed over.
The spicy condiment curry powder
A English curry dish
curry ketchup
south Asian spice mix, English curry powder, English curry paste
a dish made using this spice mixture, English curry (dish)
A Noun curry
English curry; curry powder
(l) (gloss)
curry powder (mixture of spices)
English curry
A English curry
curry powder


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