

  1. Anagallis, pungat, suku Anagallis, puna-alpi, Anagallis arvensis, bog pimpernel, Anagallis tenella, ruohokasvi, ruohovartinen kasvi, ruoho.

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pikkuluppio puhekieltä A plant of the genus Pimpinella, especially (vern), (taxlink). (defdate)
Any of various plants of the genus Anagallis, having small red, white or purple flowers, especially the scarlet pimpernel, {Anagallis arvensis. (defdate)
1653, (w), The English Physician Enlarged, Folio Society 2007, p. 221:

Common Pimpernel has diverse weak square stalks lying on the ground, beset all along with two small and almost round leaves at every joint ....
Sanguisorba spp. (defdate)
(vern) ((taxlink)) (defdate)
(vern) ((taxlink)). (defdate)
puhekieltä The yellow pimpernel ((taxlink))
Someone resembling the fictional (w); a gallant dashing resourceful man given to remarkable feats of bravery and derring-do in liberating victim victims of tyranny and injustice. (defdate)
(rfdat), Hal Lehrman
Lined up solidly with the Pimpernels and with the persecuted.


pimpernel rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kannel, jouhikannel, tuulikannel, virsikannel, kennel, kyynel, ilonkyynel, surunkyynel

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