

  1. taivm-y-gen|fi|perso|luok=a

Katso myös: vip, elollistaa, perso

Liittyvät sanat: person of color



  1. eliö, olento, aiheuttaja, syy, kausaalinen agentti, henkilö, ihminen, henki, ihmiset.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: personaaliunioni, personifikaatio, personifioida, personifiointi, personoida, personointi.



henki, henkilö


persoona An individual; usually a human being. (defdate)
1784, William Jones, The Description and Use of a New Portable Orrery, &c.,,M1 PREFACE

THE favourable reception the Orrery has met with from Perſons of the firſt diſtinction, and from Gentlemen and Ladies in general, has induced me to add to it ſeveral new improvements in order to give it a degree of Perfection; and diſtinguiſh it from others; which by Piracy, or Imitation, may be introduced to the Public.


A character or part, as in a play; a specific kind or manifestation of individual character, whether in real life, or in literary or dramatic representation; an assumed character.
Francis Bacon
his first appearance upon the stage in his new person of a sycophant or juggler
Jeremy Taylor
No man can long put on a person and act a part.
To bear rule, which was thy part / And person, hadst thou known thyself aright.
How different is the same man from himself, as he sustains the person of a magistrate and that of a friend!
puhekieltä Any one of the three hypostasis hypostases of the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
Book of Common Prayer
three persons and one God
puhekieltä Any sentient or socially intelligent being.
puhekieltä Someone who likes or has an affinity for (a specified thing). (defdate)

Jacks always been a dog person, but I prefer cats.

The physical body of a being seen as distinct from the mind, character, etc. (defdate)
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), III.1.2.iii:
when the young ladies laughed at her for it, she replied, that it was not his person that she did embrace and reverence, but, with a Platonic love, the divine beauty of his soul.
1897, (w), (w):
The Captain, inclining his military person, sat sideways to be closer and kinder ….
1978, (w), Livia, Faber & Faber 1992 (qualifier), page 418:
At first blush it seemed that what was striking about him rested on the fact that his dress was exotic, his person foreign.
2004, (w):
Meanwhile, the dazed Sullivan, dressed like a bum with no identification on his person, is arrested and put to work on a brutal Southern chain gang.
puhekieltä Any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts. (defdate)

At common law a corporation or a trust is legally a person.

puhekieltä The human genitalia; specifically, the penis.
1824, (w) ( 5 Geo. 4. c. 83, United Kingdom), section 4:
Every Person wilfully, openly, lewdly, and obscenely exposing his Person in any Street, Road, or public Highway, or in the View thereof, or in any Place of public Resort, with Intent to insult any Female ... and being subsequently convicted of the Offence for which he or she shall have been so apprehended, shall be deemed a Rogue and Vagabond, within the true Intent and Meaning of this Act ...
1972, Evans v. Ewels, Weekly Law Reports, vol. 1, page 671 at pp. 674–675:
It seems to me that at any rate today, and indeed by 1824, the word "person" in connection with sexual matters had acquired a meaning of its own; a meaning which made it a synonym for "penis." It may be ... that it was the forerunner of Victorian gentility which prevented people calling a penis a penis. But however that may be I am satisfied in my own mind that it has now acquired an established meaning to the effect already stated. It is I venture to say, well known amongst those who practise in the courts that the word "person" is so used over and over again. It is the familiar synonym of that part of the body, and, as one of the reasons for my decision in this case, I would use that interpretation of what was prevailing in 1824 and what has become established in the 150 years since then.
puhekieltä A linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking. See grammatical person. (defdate)
puhekieltä A shoot or bud of a plant; a polyp or zooid of the compound Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, etc.; also, an individual, in the narrowest sense, among the higher animals.
Encyc. Brit.
True corms, composed of united personae (..) usually arise by gemmation, (..) yet in sponges and corals occasionally by fusion of several originally distinct persons.



  • "Hyvä jääkiekkoilija pelaa siellä, missä kiekko on. Loistava jääkiekkoilija pelaa siellä, missä kiekko tulee olemaan." "

  • "Jos ikinä joudun onnettomuuteen joka lopulta maksaa minulle elämäni, toivon että se tapatuu yhdellä kertaa. En halua olla pyörätuolissa. En halua olla sairaalassa kärsimässä oli vamma mikä hyvänsä. Jos aion elää, haluan elää täysillä, erittäin voimakkaasti koska olen voimakas persoona. Tuhlaisin muuten vain elämäni."


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