


  1. palkka

Esimerkkejä pay sanan käytöstä:



Liittyvät sanat: payable



  1. suunnitella, pohtia, miettiä, uhrata, antaa, kohdistaa, osoittaa, omistautua, kostaa, maksaa, selvittää välit lopullisesti, tehdä tilit selväksi, käydä kimppuun, panna järjestykseen, ostaa, tukea, avustaa, luopua, hyvittää.

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hyvittää puhekieltä To give money or other compensation to in exchange for goods or services.


puhekieltä To discharge, as a debt or other obligation, by giving or doing what is due or required.
(w), (w) xxxvii. 21
The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again.
puhekieltä To be profitable for.
puhekieltä To give (something else than money).
(w) (c.1564–1616)
not paying me a welcome
(RQ:Mrxl SqrsDghtr)
They stayed together during three dances, went out on to the terrace, explored wherever they were permitted to explore, paid two visits to the buffet, and enjoyed themselves much in the same way as if they had been school-children surreptitiously breaking loose from an assembly of grown-ups.
puhekieltä To be profitable or worth the effort.
puhekieltä To discharge an obligation or debt.
puhekieltä To suffer consequences.
money Money given in return for work; salary or wages.
Operable or accessible on deposit of coins.
Pertaining to or requiring payment.
puhekieltä To cover (the bottom of a vessel, a seam, a spar, etc.) with tar or pitch, or a waterproof composition of tallow, resin, etc.; to smear.
A goat
puhekieltä papa, dad, father
1525-1526, w:Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional|Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional, João de Gaia, B 1433: Vosso pai na rua ( facsimile)
Vosso pay na Rua / anta porta sua
: Your dad is on the street / before your door
(obsolete spelling of)
1545, w:Garcia de Resende|Garcia de Resende, s:pt:Vida e Feitos D El-Rey Dom João Segundo|Liuro das obras de Garcia de Reſẽnde que trata da vida (..) do christianiſſimo; muito alto ⁊ muyto poderoſo principe el Rey dõ João o ſegundo deſte nome, s:pt:Vida e Feitos D El-Rey Dom João Segundo/I|page 1:
De ſeu pay ⁊ ſua mãy ⁊ ſeu nacimento.
: About his father and his mother and his birth.
he, she, it
puhekieltä numerator


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