

  1. sv-s-taivm|pass|en|mon|merk=passi

  2. sv-s-taivm|pass|en|merk=syöttö


englanti puhekieltä plural simple present form of (l)
1590, (w), (w), Book III, Canto IX:
In forreine landes, and all which passen by,
Beholding it from far, do thinke it threates the skye.
1614, (w), Thyrsis Praise of His Mistress''
They in pleasing passen all.
1647, (w), Insomnium Philosophicum
And all his creatures, as they passen by
In goodly pomp, they view with scornfull eye.
(ca-verb form of)
puhekieltä to fit (gloss)
puhekieltä to fit, try for size
puhekieltä to befit, suit, behoove, to be appropriate
puhekieltä to pass
puhekieltä to give, to pass something over to someone, e.g. a (m).
(nl-noun form of)
to fit
to suit, to be suitable
to (l)


passen rimmaa näiden kanssa:

sen, taasen, ihkasen, vasen, nelisen, puolisen, seitsemisen, kolmisen, kymmenisen, pilkkoisen

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