

  1. koriste, somiste, koristus, ornamentti, koriste-esine, kerros, päällys, suojus, suojapeite, suojaus, laudoitus, vuoraus, päällystys, päällyste, murhata, nirhata, surmata, litistää, painaa kuoliaaksi, tukahduttaa, peittää, sivellä, päällystää.

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painaa kuoliaaksi, tukahduttaa

päällys puhekieltä To lay, spread, or apply something over or across; cover.

as when a cloud his beams doth overlay
framed of cedar overlaid with gold
To overwhelm; to press excessively upon.
Sir Walter Raleigh
when any country is overlaid by the multitude which live upon it
puhekieltä To lie over (someone, especially a child) in order to smother it; to suffocate. (defdate)
Bible, 1 Kings iii. 19
This woman's child died in the night, because she overlaid it.
a heap of ashes that 'oerlays''' your fire
1993, (w), The Eye in the Door, Penguin 2014 (The Regeneration Trilogy), p. 371:
Prostitutes, thieves, girls who ‘overlaid’ their babies, abortionists who stuck their knitting needles into something vital – did they really need to be here?
puhekieltä To put an overlayNoun overlay on.
puhekieltä A piece of paper pasted upon the tympan sheet to improve the impression by making it stronger at a particular place.
puhekieltä Odds which are set higher than expected or warranted. Favorable odds.
puhekieltä A horse going off at higher odds than it appears to warrant, based on its past performances.
A decal attached to a computer keyboard to relabel the keys.
1994, Roger Frost, The IT in Secondary Science Book (page 56)
The keyboard overlay can be a memory jogger and a great help with spelling. In this way the keyboard makes word processing more accessible to younger as well as special needs children.
puhekieltä A block of program code that is loaded over something previously loaded, so as to replace it.
puhekieltä A pop-up.


overlay rimmaa näiden kanssa:

gay, gray, spray, jalkaspray, speedway

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