


  1. viedä tai varata tilaa tai aikaa

  2. asua asunnossa

  3. täyttää asema

  4. omistautua, ottaa vastuu jostain

  5. miehittää

Esimerkkejä occupy sanan käytöstä:

The city was bombarded, but not occupied. – Kaupunkia pommitettiin, mutta ei miehitetty.

Liittyvät sanat: occupier , occupation , occupant , occupied



  1. vallata, vallata kokonaan, vaatia kokonaan, täyttää jkn päivät, viedä kaikki huomio, koskea, liikuttaa, kuluttaa, temmata mukaansa, naulita, kiinnostaa, muuttaa, asua, majailla.

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täyttää jkn päivät




asua puhekieltä To take or use time.
To fill time.


To possess or use the time or capacity of; to engage the service of.
To fill or hold (an official position or role).
To hold the attention of.
puhekieltä To take or use space.
To fill space.
To live or reside in.
(w) (1783-1859)
The better apartments were already occupied.
(RQ:Schuster Hepaticae V)
With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get(..)
puhekieltä To have, or to have taken, possession or control of (a territory).
1940, in The China monthly review, volumes 94-95, page 370 http://books.google.com/books?id=QqkTAAAAIAAJ&q=%22occupy+but+cannot+hold%22&dq=%22occupy+but+cannot+hold%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OB6HT4_zC4e68ASF1-jNCA&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA:
The Japanese can occupy but cannot hold, and what they can hold they cannot hold long, was the opinion of General Pai Chung-hsi, Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army, (..)
1975, Esmé Cecil Wingfield-Stratford, King Charles and King Pym, 1637-1643, page 330 http://books.google.com/books?ei=ex2HT9-GK5D69gTJqNjdCA&id=VCwqAAAAYAAJ&dq=%22occupied+but+could+not+hold%22&q=%22occupied+but+could%22search_anchor:
Rupert, with his usual untamable energy, was scouring the country — but at first in the wrong direction, that of Aylesbury, another keypoint in the outer ring of Oxford defences, which he occupied but could not hold.
1983, Arthur Keppel-Jones, Rhodes and Rhodesia: The White Conquest of Zimbabwe, 1884-1902, page 462:
One of the rebel marksmen, who had taken up position on a boulder, was knocked off it by the recoil of his weapon every time he fired. Again the attack achieved nothing. Positions were occupied, but could not be held.
1991, Werner Spies, John William Gabriel, Max Ernst collages: the invention of the surrealist universe, page 333:
Germany occupied France for three years while France struggled to make payments that were a condition of surrender.
2006, John Michael Francis, Iberia and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History, page 496:
Spain occupied, but could not populate, and its failure to expand Florida led Britain to consider the peninsula a logical extension of its colonial holdings.
puhekieltä To place the theodolite or total station at (a point).
puhekieltä To have sexual intercourse with.Sidney J. Baker, The Australian Language, second edition, 1966.
1590s, (w), (w), http://www.web-books.com/Classics/Shakespeare/2HenryIV/2HenryIV2_7.htm II.iv
God's light, these villains will make the word as odious as the word 'occupy;' which was an excellent good word before it was ill sorted
1867, (w) A Glossary
OCCUPY, sensu obsc. To possess, or enjoy.
: These villains will make the word captain, as odious as the word occupy. 2 Hen. IV, ii, 4.
: Groyne, come of age, his state sold out of hand
: For 's whore; Groyne still doth occupy his land. B. Jons. Epigr., 117.
: Many, out of their own obscene apprehensions, refuse proper and fit words, as occupy, nature, and the like. Ibid., Discoveries, vol. vii, p. 119.
It is so used also in Rowley's New Wonder, Anc. Dr., v, 278.
puhekieltä To do business in; to busy oneself with.
Bible, (w) xxvii. 9
All the ships of the sea, with their mariners, were in thee to occupy the merchandise.
1551, (w) (tr.), Sir (w)'s (w) (in Latin), 1516
not able to occupy their old crafts
puhekieltä To use; to expend; to make use of.
Bible, (w) xxxviii. 24
all the gold that was occupied for the work
They occupy not money themselves.


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