


  1. tilaisuus

  2. sopiva t. otollinen ajankohta

  3. tapaus, tapahtuma, kerta

  4. syy, aihe; tarve

Esimerkkejä occasion sanan käytöstä:

Champagne! Whats the occasion?

:Sampanjaa! Minkä kunniaksi?

On one occasion I broke my wrist playing tennis.

on occasion – toisinaan, aika ajoin

I have not had occasion to complain.

I have absolutely no occasion to bear arms.

Liittyvät sanat: d'occasion



  1. seuratilaisuus, sosiaalinen tapahtuma, juttu, tilaisuus, juhla, sosiaalinen tilaisuus, tapahtuma, juhlat, bailut, bileet, kemut, juhlinta, seremonia, juhlamenot, juhlatilaisuus, riitti, varainhankintatilaisuus.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



syy, tarve, aihe


ajankohta A favorable opportunity; a convenient or timely chance. (defdate)
Bible, Rom. vii. 11

Sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me.
I'll take the occasion which he gives to bring / Him to his death.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)
That our work, therefore, might be in no danger of being likened to the labours of these historians, we have taken every occasion of interspersing through the whole sundry similes, descriptions, and other kind of poetical embellishments.
The time when something happens.


An occurrence or state of affairs which causes some event or reaction; a motive or reason. (defdate)
Something which causes something else; a cause. (defdate)
1624, John Smith, Generall Historie, in Kupperman 1988, p. 130:
it were too vile to say, and scarce to be beleeved, what we endured: but the occasion was our owne, for want of providence, industrie and government ....
puhekieltä An occurrence or incident. (defdate)
A particular happening; an instance or time when something occurred. (defdate)
{{quote-journal|date=April 9, 2013|author=Andrei Lankov|title=Stay Cool. Call North Korea’s Bluff.|work=New York Times|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/10/opinion/stay-cool-call-north-koreas-bluff.html?_r=0
need Need; requirement, necessity. (defdate)
Jeremy Taylor
after we have served ourselves and our own occasions
when my occasions took me into France
A special event or function. (defdate)
A reason or excuse; a motive; a persuasion.
Whose manner was, all passengers to stay, / And entertain with her occasions sly.
puhekieltä To to cause; to produce; to induce

it is seen that the mental changes are occasioned by a change of polarity

English occasion, opportunity
bargain, good deal
secondhand or used item


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jam session

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