

nunatak A mountain top or rocky element of a ridge that is surrounded by glacial ice but is not covered by ice; a peak protruding from the surface ice sheet.
1922, Apsley Cherry-Garrard, The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic 1910-1913, Volume 2, Constable and Company Ltd. (1922), http://archive.org/stream/worstjourneyinwo02page/n105/mode/2up page 365:

We made for a slope close to the end of the island or nunatak, where Shackleton must have got up also; it is obviously the only place when you look at it from a commanding rise.
2008, Andrea M. J. Coronato, Fernando Coronato, Elizabeth Mazzoni, & Miriam Vásquez, "The Physical Geography of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego", in The Late Cenozoic of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego (ed. J. Rabassa), Elsevier (2008), ISBN 9780444529541, http://books.google.com/books?id=Eq1W6eoUa_cC&pg=PA45&dq=%22nunataks%22 page 45:
Only a few lichens and mosses colonize the rocky walls of cirques and nunataks.
2006, Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day, Vintage 2007, p. 155:
The peak in whose lee you have chosen to set up your command post is far too regular in shape to be the nunatak you imagine it.
ranska nunatak (m)
saksa Nunatak (m)
puola nunatak (m)
venäjä нуната́к (m)


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