

  1. uskovaisten penkki, ala, alue, uuninnurkka, kulma, soppi, piilopaikka, turvapaikka, sopukka.

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sopukka, turvapaikka

soppi A small corner formed by two walls; an alcove.

There was a small broom for sweeping ash kept in the nook between the fireplace bricks and the wall.

A hidden or secluded spot.

The back of the used book shop was one of her favorite nooks; she could read for hours and no one would bother her or pester her to buy.

puhekieltä An English unit of land area, originally ¼ of a yardland but later 12½ or 20 acres.
(ante) W. Noye, The Complete Lawyer, 57:
You must note, that two fardel Fardells of Land make a Nooke of Land, and two Nookes make halfe a yard of land|Yard of Land.
1903, English Dialectical Dictionary, volume IV, page 295:
Nook, an old legal term for 12½ acres of land; still in use at Alston.
1968 November 9, The Economist, page 2:
They poured their wine by the aume or the fust, and cut their cloth by the goad—not to be confused with the gawd, which was a measure of steel. Their nook was not cosy; it covered 20 acres.


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