


  1. lähes



liki, lähes, suunnilleen, miltei

tiukasti puhekieltä With great scrutiny; carefully. (defdate)
1603, (w), translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, III.1:

And whosoever hath traced mee and nearely (transterm) looked into my humours, Ile loose a good wager if hee confesse not that there is no rule in their schoole, could, a midde such crooked pathes and divers windings, square and report this naturall motion, and maintaine an apparance of liberty and licence so equall and inflexible ….
With close relation; intimately. (defdate)
(w) (1632-1705)
Let that which he learns next be nearly conjoined with what he knows already.
1837, The Dublin University Magazine
She could have joined most comfortably in all their supposings, and suspicions, and doubts, and prognostications, but the honour of the family was too nearly concerned to allow free reins to her tongue.
1847, (w), (w)
He was also accounted a man of wealth, and was nearly related to a high chief.
closely Closely, in close proximity. (defdate)
c. 1606, (w), Macbeth, First Folio 1623, IV.2:
I doubt some danger do's approach you neerely.
In close approximation; almost, virtually. (defdate)


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