

  1. anatomia|k=en lihas

  2. kuva voima

  3. henkivartio, voimamiesten ryhmä

Esimerkkejä muscle sanan käytöstä:

It took a lot of muscle to move the boulders.

Liittyvät sanat: cardiac muscle



  1. voimakkuus, lihasvoima, lihaksikkuus, tanakkuus, jäntevyys, vankkuus, voima, lupa, valta, valtuus, virallinen lupa, teho, vaikutus, oikeus, käskyvalta, lihas, supistumiskykyinen elin, luustolihas, juovallinen lihas, luurankolihas, sisäänkiertäjälihas.

Lisää synonyymejää







tunkeutua puhekieltä A contractile form of tissue which animals use to effect movement.

Muscle consists largely of actin and myosin filaments.

puhekieltä An organ composed of muscle tissue.
(RQ:Grey Riders)
His brow and hair and the palms of his hands were wet, and there was a kind of nervous contraction of his muscles. They seemed to ripple and string tense.
(RQ:Orwell Animal Farm)
You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker (..)
puhekieltä A well-developed physique, in which the muscles are enlarged from exercise.
2008, Lou Schuler, "Foreward", in Nate Green, Built for Show, page xii
The fact that I was middle-aged, bald, married, and raising girls instead of chasing them didn't really bother me. Muscles are cool at any age.
puhekieltä strength Strength, force.
2010, Adam Quinn, US Foreign Policy in Context, page 81
The lesson to be drawn from the events of 1914, to Roosevelt's mind, was that civilization needed muscle to defend it, not just solemn words.
2013, John D. MacDonald, The Long Lavender Look, page 15
It was going to take muscle to pluck Miss Agnes out of the canal.
puhekieltä Hired strongman strongmen or bodyguards.
1985 — w:Lance Parkin|Lance Parkin, The Infinity Doctors, p 34
It was easy enough to dodge him, let him crash into the floorboards. Peltroc knew that his priority was the leader, not the hired muscle.
To use force to make progress, especially physical force.

He muscled his way through the crowd.

1988, Steve Holman, "Christian Conquers Columbus", w:Iron Man (magazine)|Ironman 47 (6): 28-34.
Hensel and Wilson hit a series of leg shots simultaneously as Christian muscles between them with Quinn right on his heels.
muscleEnglish muscle (contractile tissue, strength)
(inflection of)
puhekieltä English muscle


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