


  1. mumista, mutista



  1. švaa, švaavokaali, valittaminen, kantelu, mariseminen, nurina, mutina, napina, jupina, purnaus, ääni, mumina, oire, symptomi, sydämen sivuääni, sivuääni, systolinen sivuääni.

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nurina, mutina



švaa puhekieltä Low or indistinct sounds or speech.
1874, (w), (w), chapter V:

In the prison of the 'tween decks reigned a darkness pregnant with murmurs. The sentry at the entrance to the hatchway was supposed to "prevent the prisoners from making a noise," but he put a very liberal interpretation upon the clause, and so long as the prisoners refrained from shouting, yelling, and fighting--eccentricities in which they sometimes indulged--he did not disturb them.

A murmur arose from the audience.

1960, (w), (w), chapter XI:
The moment had come for the honeyed word. I lowered my voice to a confidential murmur, but on her inquiring if I had laryngitis raised it again.
puhekieltä The sound made by any condition which produces noisy, or turbulent, flow of blood through the heart.
A muttered complaint or protest; the expression of dissatisfaction in a low muttering voice; any expression of complaint or discontent
1919, w:Boris Sidis|Boris Sidis, s:The Source and Aim of Human Progress|The Source and Aim of Human Progress:
In fear of disease and in the interest of his health man will be muzzled and masked like a vicious dog, and that without any murmur of complaint.
1960, (w), (w), chapter XX:
Glossop will return from his afternoon off to find the awful majesty of the Law waiting for him, complete with handcuffs. We can hardly expect him to accept an exemplary sentence without a murmur, so his first move will be to establish his innocence by revealing all.
puhekieltä To grumble; to complain in a low, muttering voice, or express discontent (m) or (m) someone or something. (defdate)
1526, (w), trans. Bible, s:Bible (Tyndale)/John6:41|John 6:41:
The Iewes then murmured at him because he sayde: I am that breed which is come doune from heaven.
puhekieltä To speak or make low, indistinguishable noise; to mumble, mutter. (defdate)


puhekieltä To say (something) indistinctly, to mutter. (defdate)
(w), 1 (w), II. 3.51
I(..)heard thee murmur tales of iron wars.
English murmur, murmuring
humming, roaring, growling, grumbling
rushing, crashing


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