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englanti puhekieltä food Food.
1884, Newton H. Chittenden, Official report of the exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands, page 69:
She apparently has her own way in everything now, the old chief being quite satisfied to get his rations of muckamuck and tobacco without troubling himself as to how it is provided.
1906, in The Coast, volumes 11-12, page 160:
But old Halascum once, under the mellowing influence of having sold some furs, and seeing the great quantities of muckamuck, or goodly things to eat, which his prize had furnished, was led to tell the mystery (..)
puhekieltä A person in a position of power, authority, or status.
{{quote-journal|date=November 11, 2007|author=|title=A Sampler From Mailer|work=New York Times|url=


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come-back, feedback, playback, vorschmack, crack, glencheck, slapstick, joystick, rock, hevirock

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