


  1. kuolema


englanti puhekieltä very (m) or (m)
*2007 March 21, Kilian Doyle, "An iconic parade" The Irish Times (Dublin) Motoring p.3
I was, to use the vernacular, bleedin' morto. My shame notwithstanding, the whole day was a blast.
*2013 February 21, Louise McSharry, "Robbie Williams’ most morto moments of all time" Daily Edge:
Robbie’s had some pretty embarrassing moments over the years. What better time than now to take a stroll down memory lane? Here are his most morto moments.
*2013 May 20 "Early trouble" The Irish Times (Dublin) Sport p.2
Yes, Dan left the game early because he "wanted to miss the traffic and get a kebab on the way home" - after which Coventry scored twice. Morto.
death (cessation of life)
dead man
corpse, dead body
dummy (bridge (card game)) The partner of the winning bidder, who shows his or her hand
(past participle of morire); died.
(senseid) (l) (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä a number of cards set apart that can be picked up by the first player to play all his cards


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