

  1. moraalinen

Esimerkkejä moral sanan käytöstä:

a moral obligation

Katso myös: moraali

Liittyvät sanat: moralisk , amoralisk



  1. puhdas, hyveellinen, hyvä, kiltti, ystävällinen, kunniakas, kunniallinen, moraalinen, moraalisuus.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: moralismi, moralisoida, moralisointi, moralisti, moralistinen, moraliteetti.




moraalinen Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour.


Nathaniel Hawthorne
She had wandered without rule or guidance in a moral wilderness.
Conforming to a standard of right behaviour; sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment.
Sir M. Hale
the wiser and more moral part of mankind
Capable of right and wrong action.
probable Probable but not proved.
Positively affecting the mind, confidence, or will.
puhekieltä The ethical significance or practical lesson.

The moral of the (w) is that if you repeatedly lie, people wont believe you when you tell the truth.''

We protest against the principle that the world of pure comedy is one into which no moral enters.
Moral practices or teachings: modes of conduct.
puhekieltä A morality play.
morale, optimism
English moral
puhekieltä English moral
moralEnglish moral
(sense) mulberry
morale, character
English moral, moral practices, conduct

snäv, viktoriansk moral

strict, Victorian moral

a moral, a lesson (of a narrative)


moral rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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