

  1. moduuli

Liittyvät sanat: moduloida, modulointi, moduloitua.


englanti puhekieltä Given a specified modulus of.

21 and 84 are congruent to each other modulo 9, since both numbers leave the same remainder, 3, when divided by 9.

Thus 21 modulo 9 is 3, because when 21 is divided by 9, the remainder is 3.

puhekieltä Except for differences accounted for by.

"A is the same as B modulo C" means A is the same as B except for differences accounted for by C.

1990, Margaret Speas, Phrase Structure in Natural Language, p. 281:
Thus, the underlying structure which I would assign to Navajo will be identical, modulo word order, to the one that we found to be projected in all of the languages studied in chapter 3.
2002, Richard Arneson, " Egalitarianism", in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Moreover, in the role of consumer, each individual (modulo his location) faces the same array of goods and services on sale to anyone who can pay the purchase price.
(rfquote-sense) puhekieltä With due allowance for (a specified exception or particular detail).

The "tail recursion modulo cons" technique allows functions that would be tail recursive but for a cons call to be transformed into a tail recursive form.

All mammals, modulo the monotremes, give birth to live young.

puhekieltä the operation or function that returns the remainder of one number divided by another
(ca-verb form of)
unit, module
puhekieltä modulus
puhekieltä module
(inflection of)
(es-verb form of)


modulo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kulo, alakulo, sulo, tulo, rahatulo, rajatulo, palkkatulo, pääomatulo, ansaintatulo, perilletulo

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