


  1. mekaaninen

Liittyvät sanat: mechanical engineering



  1. automaatti-, automaattinen, mekaaninen, mekanistinen, koneellistettu, vedettävä.

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mekaaninen puhekieltä Characteristic of someone who does manual labour for a living; coarse, vulgar.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), I.43:

all manner of silks were already become so vile and abject, that was any man seene to weare them, he was presently judged to be some countrie fellow, or mechanicall man.
Related to mechanics (gloss).


Related to mechanics (gloss).
Done by machine.
Using mechanics (gloss): being a machine.
As if performed by a machine: lifeless or mindless.
puhekieltä Acting as if one were a machine: lifeless or mindless.
puhekieltä handy Handy with machines.
puhekieltä manual Manually created layout of artwork that is camera ready for photographic reproduction.
2009, New York State Sales and Use Tax Law and Regulations
In order to produce the posters, the advertising agency purchases photographs, composition and artwork and fabricates such property to produce layouts and mechanicals.
One who does manual labor, especially one who is similar to w:Mechanical (character)|Shakespeare's rude mechanicals
puhekieltä A robot or mechanical creature.
puhekieltä A mechanical engineer.
puhekieltä An instance of equipment failure.
puhekieltä A stop on an organ that is operated by a hand or foot control rather than having to be manually set up in advance.
puhekieltä A machine that performs a job typically accomplished using an animal or manual labor.


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