


  1. onni, tuuri

Esimerkkejä luck sanan käytöstä:

You had really bad luck in the game.

:Sinulla oli todella huono tuuri pelissä.

He has an amazing luck!

:Hänellä on ihmeellisen hyvä tuuri!

Liittyvät sanat: good-luck charm



  1. ilmiö, tuuri, sattuma, onnenkauppa, munkki, säkä, onni, epäonni, huono onni, kommellus, onnettomuus, vahinko, hyvä onni, onnenpotku, sattumankauppa, arpapeli.

Lisää synonyymejää



munkki, säkä, tuuri

onni Something that happens to someone by chance, a chance occurrence, especially a favourable one.

The raffle is just a matter of luck.

Sometimes it takes a bit of luck to get success.

I couldnt believe my luck when I found a fifty dollar bill on the street.''

Gilbert had some bad luck yesterday — he got pick-pocketed and lost fifty dollars.

A superstitious feeling that brings fortune or success.

He blew on the dice for luck.

I wish you lots of luck for the exam tomorrow.


I tried for ages to find a pair of blue suede shoes, but didnt have any luck.''

He has a lot of luck with the ladies, perhaps it is because of his new motorbike.

puhekieltä To succeed by chance.

His plan lucked out.

puhekieltä To rely on luck.

No plan. Were just to going to have to luck through.''

puhekieltä To carry out relying on luck.

Our plan is to luck it through.


  • "A great luck for Russia was that at the times of hardships she was headed by such a genius and talented commander as Joseph Stalin."


luck rimmaa näiden kanssa:

come-back, feedback, playback, vorschmack, crack, glencheck, slapstick, joystick, rock, hevirock

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