


  1. arveluttava, epäilyttävä

  2. pimeä

  3. valonarka

  4. huonokuntoinen

  5. huonomaineinen



  1. huonomaineinen, hämäräperäinen, valonarka.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



huonomaineinen Of questionable taste or morality; decadent.
(quote-journal)|date=25 February 2012|passage=w:Upstairs Downstairs (2010 TV series)|Upstairs Downstairs hosts the w:Kennedy family|Kennedys and (w) (these days, in British culture, the archetypal louche American).
(quote-web)|date=23 May 2016|passage=Ever since (w) set the series' clock back a few decades and installed (w)'s moody w:Magneto (comics)|Magneto and (w)'s louche w:Professor X|Charles Xavier as replacements for (w) and (w)'s chess-playing pappies, the big-screen X-Men's central conflict—Xavier's (w)-esque w:X-Mansion School For Gifted Youngsters vs. a rogue's gallery of evil mutants, crew cuts, and politicos—has gotten a lot murkier.
Not reputable or decent.
(quote-journal)|newspaper=w:The Atlantic|The Atlantic Monthly|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=Atlantic Monthly Co.|year=1888|volume=LXI|page=304|oclc=412030383|passage=The aunt will refuse; she will think the whole proceeding very louche!
unconventional Unconventional and slightly disreputable in an attractive manner; raffish, rakish.
(quote-journal)|date=9 September 2007|passage=Anyone inside the business can also tell you that without (w)'s louche sexy styling (w)'s (w) might easily have come off looking like a high-end (w).
puhekieltä Of alcoholic beverages, particularly anise-flavoured ones like absinthe and ouzo: to become cloudy when mixed with water, due to the presence of anethole. This is known as the w:ouzo effect|ouzo effect.


puhekieltä (l)
puhekieltä (l); (l)
puhekieltä (l); (l); (l); (l)
(qualifier) cloudiness due to a suspension of fine particles
(inflection of)


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crème fraîche, quiche

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