


  1. oppitunti

  2. kuva opetus, oppitunti

Esimerkkejä lesson sanan käytöstä:

to teach someone a lesson

He got a good lesson and wont make that mistake again.



  1. koulutehtävä, koulutyö, läksy, kotitehtävä, tehtävä, harjoitus, harjoitustehtävä, lukutehtävä, historiantunti.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



läksy, tehtävä

opetus A section of learning or teaching into which a wider learning content is divided.


A learning task assigned to a student; homework.
Something learned or to be learned.
Something that serves as a warning or encouragement.
A section of the Bible or other religious text read as part of a divine service.
A severe lecture; reproof; rebuke; warning.
Sir (w) (1554-1586)
She would give her a lesson for walking so late.
puhekieltä An exercise; a composition serving an educational purpose; a study.
To give a lesson to; to teach.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.vi:
her owne daughter Pleasure, to whom shee / Made her companion, and her lessoned / In all the lore of loue, and goodly womanhead.
To rest the weary, and to soothe the sad, / Doth lesson happier men, and shame at least the bad.


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