

  1. viimeinen

  2. viime, edellinen

Esimerkkejä last sanan käytöstä:

Thats the 'last' one. – Se on 'viimeinen'.

The 'last' two weeks have been rainy. 'Viimeiset' kaksi viikkoa ovat olleet sateisia.

I met her 'last' summer. – Tapasin hänet 'viime' kesänä.



  1. epätodennäköinen, viimeisin, loppu, lopettaminen, päättäminen, loppuminen, loppuosa, päätös, loppupeli, pelin loppu.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: lasta, lastaaja, lastain, lastasidos, lastata, lastaus.







viimeisin final Final, ultimate, coming after all others of its kind.


Most recent, latest, last so far.
{{quote-magazine|title=No hiding place

(ux).   puhekieltä

Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely, or least preferable.

He is the last person to be accused of theft.

Being the only one remaining of its class.
Supreme; highest in degree; utmost.
R. Hall
Contending for principles of the last importance.
Lowest in rank or degree.

the last prize


The (one) immediately before the present.

Last night the moon was full.

We went there last year.

Last Tuesday was Halloween.''

(rft-sens) Last time we talked about this was in January.

puhekieltä Closest to seven days (one week) ago.

Its Wednesday, and the party was last Tuesday; that is, not yesterday, but eight days ago.''

Most recently.

When we last met, he was based in Toronto.

How long is't now since last yourself and I / Were in a mask?
puhekieltä after everything else; finally

Ill go last.''

last but not least

Pleased with his idol, he commends, admires, / Adores; and, last, the thing adored desires.
puhekieltä To perform, carry out.
puhekieltä To endure, continue over time.
(RQ:BLwnds TLdgr)
Thus the red damask curtains which now shut out the fog-laden, drizzling atmosphere of the Marylebone Road, had cost a mere song, and yet they might have been warranted to last another thirty years. A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor;(nb..).
puhekieltä To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.
A tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes.
2006, Newman, Cathy, Every Shoe Tells a Story, National Geographic (September, 2006), 83,
How is an in-your-face black leather thigh-high lace-up boot with a four-inch spike heel like a man's black calf lace-up oxford? They are both made on a last, the wood or plastic foot-shaped form that leather is stretched over and shaped to make a shoe.
To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last.

to last a boot

puhekieltä A burden; load; a cargo; freight.
puhekieltä A measure of weight or quantity, varying in designation depending on the goods concerned.
1624, John Smith, Generall Historie, in Kupperman 1988, page 114:
Now we so quietly followed our businesse, that in three moneths wee made three or foure Last of Tarre, Pitch, and Sope ashes ....
1866, James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, Volume 1, page 169,
The last of wool is twelve sacks.
puhekieltä An old English (and Dutch) measure of the carrying capacity of a ship, equal to two tons.
1942 (1601), T D Mutch, The First Discovery of Australia, page 14,
The tonnage of the w:Duyfken Duyfken of Harmensz's fleet is given as 25 and 30 lasten.
A load of some commodity with reference to its weight and commercial value.
cargo hold, hold (cargo area)
weight, burden
(imperative of)
load, burden
hindrance, problem
puhekieltä A measure of volume, 3 cubic meter
(nl-verb form of)
(et-nom form of)
(de-verb form of)
a load or cargo
(form of)
footstep, track
load; a burden
load; a certain amount that can be processed at one time
puhekieltä load; a force on a structure
puhekieltä load; any component that draws current or power
habit which is difficult to get rid of, vice

Rökning var hans enda last


  • heippa: lasten "näkemiin"

  • lastaa: kuormata : Älä lastaa noita lodjuja sit ihan täyteen.

  • lastari: kuorma-auto

  • lasti: siemensyöksy/siittiöt

  • lasti: maksimimäärä viinaa kaupasta : Hain jo koko lastin handelista.

  • tarhaemo: lastentarhanopettaja


last rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bed and breakfast

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

lassi, lassie, lasso, lassota, lasta, lastaaja

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