

  1. pallo

  2. kuula

  3. kainalosauvat

Esimerkkejä kula sanan käytöstä:

chodzić o kulach – kulkea kainalosauvoilla

Liittyvät sanat: kulahtaa, kulakki, kulauksittain, kulaus, kulautella, kulauttaa.


englanti A tower, turret or a steeple on the Balkans erected during the period of w:Ottoman Empire|Ottoman domination on the area.
1867, Georgina Mary Muir Mackenzie, Lady Georgina Mary Muir Sebright, Mackenzie Sebright, Adeline Paulina Irby, http://books.google.com/books?id=-a8WAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA499&&lr=&as_brr=3PPA107,M1 Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe, p. 107:
Instead of the haïdooks, their next of kin, the zaptiés now hold a kula on the highest point of the pass; here one pauses to rest after scrambling up the vile Turkish road on one side of the ravine, and before scrambling down the vile Turkish road on the other.
1998, Adil Zulfikarpašić, Milovan Djilas, Nadežda Gaće, http://books.google.com/books?id=hUneqCTh2YIC&pg=PA4&dPPA5,M1 The Bosniak, p.5:
The most important kulas of the Čengić-begs are those in Zagorje, in Rataji and the River Odžak near Ustikolina.
1998, Miranda Vickers, Between Serb and Albanian, p. 111:
The kulas were indeed like fortresses, with as many as twenty 'guns', ie. adult men ready to fight.
A ceremonial exchange system conducted in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea, involving the exchange of bracelets and necklaces, and linked to political authority.
field, open area

kula mauʻu: meadow, field of grass

puhekieltä shit
puhekieltä I
puhekieltä slave
puhekieltä I (me, my)
male she oak tree.
(inflection of)
ball (gloss)


puhekieltä ball
puhekieltä shot (gloss)
puhekieltä rook
a small ball made of earthenware, glass (marble) or a similar hard material; marble: spela kula; of steel in a ball bearing; sphere; testicle, often in the compound pungkula
puhekieltä money
(label) roundel
to dry under the sun


  • kulahtaa: riutua / näivettyä / kuivaa kokoon / nuukahtaa


kula rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suikula, rakkula, munarakkula, vesirakkula, keuhkorakkula, palorakkula, maitorakkula, märkärakkula, kukkula, venuskukkula

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