


  1. sytyttää

Esimerkkejä kindle sanan käytöstä:

Please 'kindle' a fire in the barbecue.

Liittyvät sanat: rekindle



  1. saada aikaan, aiheuttaa, herättää, paljastaa, innoittaa, nostattaa, synnyttää, koskettaa, kerjätä, kysyä, sytyttää uudestaan.

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syttyä puhekieltä To (l) young; to (l).
2014, Karen Patry, The Rabbit-Raising Problem Solver, Storey Publishing (ISBN 9781612124667), page 146

If she kindled and lost just a few kits and is not bony over her back and hind end, you can rebreed immediately. If she kindled a large litter (more than, say, eight kits), you may wish to wait a week or two before rebreeding so that she can  ...
The poor beast had but lately kindled.
puhekieltä A group of kittens.


puhekieltä To start (a fire) or light (a torch, a match, coals, etc.).
1841, Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, page 336:
If a person kindle a fire in the house of another person, let him pay for the house to the owner, if it be burned.
1898, (w), (w) Chapter 4
And then it was that I first perceived the danger in which I stood; for there was no hope of kindling a light, and I doubted now whether even in the light I could ever have done much to dislodge the great slab of slate.
puhekieltä To arouse or inspire (a passion, etc).
puhekieltä To begin to grow or take hold.
(RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)
The doctor now interposed, and prevented the effects of a wrath which was kindling between Jones and Thwackum (..)


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