

  1. ketsi, purjehdusalus, purjelaiva, purjealus.

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Liittyvät sanat: ketchup.



ketsi A fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with two masts, mainmast main and mizzenmast mizzen, the mizzen being stepped forward of the rudder post.
1720, (w), (w), London: J. Brotherton et al., p. 313,

(..) to finish her new Habit or Appearance, and make her Change compleat, he ordered her Sails to be alter’d; and as she sailed before with a Half-Sprit, like a Yacht, she sailed now with square Sail and Mizen Mast, like a Ketch; so that, in a Word, she was a perfect Cheat (..)
(eye dialect of).
1815, D. HUMPHREYS, Yankey in England, I. 21,
I guess, he is trying to ketch mebut it won't du. I'm tu old a bird to be 'ketchd''' with chaff.
1865, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, w:Our Mutual Friend|Our Mutual Friend, II. IV. xv., page 287
Wot is it, lambs, as they ketches in seas, rivers, lakes, and ponds?
1883 see KNUCK 2.
1911, w:Edith Wharton|Edith Wharton, w:Ethan Frome|Ethan Frome, volume ii, page 60
You'll ketch your death. The fire's out long ago.
1916, W. O. BRADLEY, Stories & Speeches 18
You'll never ketch me hollerin' at no Republican gatherin'.
1929, H. W. ODUM, in A. Dundes Mother Wit (1973), page 184
If so you gonna ketch hell.
1967, Atlantic Monthly, Apr. 103/1
You heard about that joke a dollar down and a dollar when you ketch me?
1968 S. STUCKEY, in A. Chapman, New Black Voices (1972), page 445
Run, nigger, run, de patrollers will ketch you.
puhekieltä To hang.
1681, T. FLATMAN Heraclitus Ridens No. 14
'Squire Ketch rejoices as much to hear of a new Vox, as an old Sexton does to hear of a new Delight.
n.d., ''Ibid;;. No. 18
Well! If he has a mind to be 'Ketchd''', speed him say I.
1840, 'Frasers Mag'''., XXI. 210
Ignorant of many of the secrets of ketchcraft.
1859, MATSELL Vocab. s.v. (Farmer),
I'll ketch you; I'll hang you.
A hangman.


ketch rimmaa näiden kanssa:

high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch

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Läheisiä sanoja

kesäöinen, kesäöljy, ketale, ketara, ketchup, ketju

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