


  1. oikeudenmukaisesti, reilusti

Liittyvät sanat: just



oikeutetusti, aiheellisesti

syystä In a just or fair manner; rightfully.
1890, Robert Franklin Pennell, History of Rome:

His valor, wisdom, and justice made him justly popular, but caused him to be regarded with suspicion at Rome.
With a just or fair use of language; with good reason, properly.
2012, Jay Newton-Small, ‘Gangless in Glasgow’, Time, 1 Oct 2011:
But the city on the River Clyde can justly claim to have turned the tide.
puhekieltä With great precision; accurately, exactly.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.14:
It is a pleasant imagination to conceive a spirit iustly ballanced betweene two equall desires.


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