

  1. alku(vaiheen)-

Esimerkkejä initial sanan käytöstä:

$5 billion in initial funding

Liittyvät sanat: initially



  1. ensimmäinen, alku-, varhainen, kirjain, aakkoskirjain, aakkonen, alkukirjain, nimikirjain, antaa hyväksymys, hyväksyä, ok-kuitata, antaa hyväksyntä, antaa suostumus, tehdä sopimus, merkitä nimikirjaimensa.

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alku-, ensimmäinen, varhainen

merkitä nimikirjaimensa Chronologically first, early; of or pertaining to the beginning, cause or origin.


Spatially first, placed at the beginning, in the first position; especially said of the first letter of a word.
(RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)
Thus, when he drew up instructions in lawyer language, he expressed the important words by an initial, a medial, or a final consonant, and made scratches for all the words between; his clerks, however, understood him very well.
The first letter of a word or a name.
In plural, the first letter of each word of a person's full name considered as a unit

You can get your initials printed at the top.

puhekieltä A distinguished initial letter of a chapter or section of a document.
puhekieltä onset, part of a syllable that precedes the syllable nucleus in phonetics and phonology.
puhekieltä To sign one's initial(s), as an abbreviated signature.

Please initial each page and sign the contract in full at the bottom.

Adjective initial
an (l) (qualifier)


initial rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rial, trial, sial

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