


  1. lääketiede|k=en immuuni

  2. jostakin välittämätön

Esimerkkejä immune sanan käytöstä:

immune to weather säästä välittämätön



  1. altistumaton, immuuni, penseä, vastustuskykyinen, vapaa, vapautettu, turvassa oleva, turvassa.

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turvassa, turvassa oleva puhekieltä exempt Exempt; not subject to.
(quote-book)|title=“Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days|chapter=2/9/1|url=|passage=He had always been remarkably immune from such little ailments, and had only once in his life been ill, of a vicious pneumonia long ago at school. He hadn't the faintest idea what to with a cold in the head, he just took quinine and continued to blow his nose.


puhekieltä protected Protected by inoculation, or due to innate resistance to pathogens.
puhekieltä Not vulnerable.
puhekieltä Of or pertaining to the immune system.
{{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=May-June|author= Katrina G. Claw
puhekieltä A person who is not susceptible to infection by a particular disease
{{quote-book|1965||Bacterial and Mycotic Infections of Man|editors=Rene J. Dubos & James G. Hirsch|url=||page=742
puhekieltä To make immune.
In the seventies those who met me did not know / Of the vision / That immuned me from the chillings of mis-prision (..)
1905, American Veterinary Medical Association, Journal (volume 29, page 42)
The utilization of such milk will, however, necessitate an adaptable milk preservation method, through which the immuning agents will not be destroyed or diminished.
(inflected form of)
(l), exempt, free, unscathed
(inflection of)


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