

  1. hotelli



  1. rakennus, halpa hotelli, retkeilymaja, kievari, majatalo, majoituspaikka, hostelli, hotelli, motelli.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: hotelli, hotellihuone, hotelliketju, hotellikuolema, hotellilasku, hotellimajoitus.



hotelli The letter H in the NATO phonetic alphabet. (This word is not translated, and is hotel in all languages.)
puhekieltä A large town house or mansion; a grand private residence, especially in France. (defdate)
An establishment that provides accommodation and other services for paying guests; normally larger than a guesthouse, and often one of a chain. (defdate)
1868, "A Clergyman" (John Morison), Australia in 1866, %22hotels%22+australia+OR+zealand+-intitle:%22%22+-inauthor:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2SmIT93qA-qhiAezqMDTCQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22hotel%22|%22hotels%22%20australia%20OR%20zealand%20-intitle%3A%22%22%20-inauthor%3A%22%22&f=false page 165,

When gold-digging commenced in California, the writer was staying at an hotel in Wellington, New Zealand, where a Yankee trader was also staying. Seated at the dining-table, the latter was discoursing of the business he was doing(..).
The letter H in the ICAO spelling alphabet. (defdate)
The larger red property in the game of Monopoly, in contradistinction to houses.
The guest accommodation and dining section of a cruise ship.
The UK pronunciation omitting the initial h is in imitation of the French (m) and is now considered old-fashioned.
(l) or hotels
The letter H in the Appendix:Italian phonetic alphabet|Italian phonetic alphabet
ranska enregistrer, s'enregistrer
saksa einchecken
italia registrarsi
puola meldować się / zameldować się
venäjä регистри́роваться impf, зарегистри́роватьсяf


  • hodla: hotelli : Mis vitus se hodla on?

  • hodlari: hotelli

  • hotla: hotelli : Oisko mikää hotla enää auki tähä aikaan?


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