


  1. homoseksuaalinen

Liittyvät sanat: bisexual



  1. homoseksuaalinen, homo, homo-, homofiilinen, hintti-, homoeroottinen, transsukupuolinen, triabistinen, parittelu, yhdyntä, seksuaalinen toiminta, seksi, sukupuolinen kanssakäyminen.

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homo, homoseksuaalinen, homo-

homoseksuaali puhekieltä sexually Sexually attracted primarily to other members of the same sex. Being either a male androphile or a female gynephile. (qualifier)
1983, Michael W. Ross, Homosexuality and Social Sex Roles:

"Significant results indicate that Swedes would choose a more masculine partner the more homosexual they are, and that Finns would choose a more attractive partner the more homosexual they are."
puhekieltä Between two people of the same gender or same sex; gay.

My sister is currently in a homosexual relationship with a girl in her class.

homosexual acts, a homosexual kiss

Intended for or used by homosexuals, as a nightclub, a bar, etc.
A person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex.
English homosexual

În lumea animală se observă comportamentul homosexual relativ frecvent la mamifere și la păsări

In the animal world, homosexual behaviour is observed relatively frequent in mammals and birds.

Comportamiento homosexual se observa con frecuencia entre los mamíferos.

Homosexual behaviour is frequently observed among mammals.


homosexual rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pascal, rial, trial, sial, kajal, sammal, laakasammal, rahkasammal, nukkasammal, maksasammal

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