


  1. biseksuaalinen

Esimerkkejä bisexual sanan käytöstä:

Being a 'bisexual' woman as an identity is quite commonplace whereas there are scarce examples of out and proud 'bisexual' males.

The reason why 'bisexual' males do not come forward may be that people will think that they are faggots.

Liittyvät sanat: monosexual



  1. androgyyninen, biseksuaalinen, sensualisti, biseksuaali, bi, hermafrodiitti, interseksi, gynandromorfi, androgyyni, kaksineuvoisuus, gynandomorfi, pseudohermafrodiitti.

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bi, biseksuaali puhekieltä Sexually attracted to both men and women.
puhekieltä Having both male and female parts or functions.
puhekieltä Of flowers: having both pollen and seeds.
puhekieltä Of sporophytes: having both male and female organs.
puhekieltä Of gametophytes: producing both eggs and sperm.
puhekieltä Of fungus fungi: producing both the "female" ascogonium and the "male" antheridium.
puhekieltä hermaphroditic Hermaphroditic.

Midrash and Zohar present Adam as hermaphroditic or bisexual.

A person who is attracted to both men and women.
1984, Women and deviance, page 63:
Several chapters are devoted to the investigations of the origins and influences prevalent in the life of a bisexual with the latter portion of the book devoted to three extensive in-depth interviews with three bisexuals.
Adjective bisexual
Noun bisexual


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