


  1. historia

Liittyvät sanat: historic , historical , historically , historian



  1. kognitio, tietoisuus, tajunta, humanistiset tieteet, yleissivistävät aineet, historia, historiikki, kronikka, selostus, aikakirja, tallenne.

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historiikki The aggregate of past events.


The branch of knowledge that study studies the past; the assessment of notable events.
puhekieltä A set of events involving an entity.
(quote-journal) (Sport)|date=21 October 2014|passage=In the 575 days since w:Oscar Pistorius|Oscar Pistorius shot dead his girlfriend (w), there has been an unseemly scramble to construct revisionist histories, to identify evidence beneath that placid exterior of a pugnacious, hair-trigger personality.
puhekieltä A record or narrative description of past events.

I really enjoyed Shakespeares tragedies more than his histories.''

puhekieltä A list of past and continuing medical conditions of an individual or family.
puhekieltä A record of previous user events, especially of visited web pages in a browser.
puhekieltä Something that no longer exists or is no longer relevant.
puhekieltä Shared experience or interaction.

There is too much history between them for them to split up now.

He has had a lot of history with the police.

puhekieltä To narrate or record.


kreikka ιστοριογραφία (f)
venäjä историогра́фия (f)


  • "E = mc² "

  • "Jos tietokone voi voittaa maailmanmestarin, tietokone voi lukea maailman parhaat kirjat, se voi kirjoittaa parhaat näytelmät, ja se voi tietää kaiken historiasta, kirjallisuudesta ja ihmisistä."


history rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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