


  1. sarana



  1. sarana, piilosarana, nivel, joustoliitos, liitos, sauma.

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sarana, nivel

ratkaiseva seikka

saranoida A jointed or flexible device that allows the pivoting of a door etc.
1826, (w), (w), volume 3, chapter 1

The massy portals of the churches swung creaking on their hinges; and some lay dead on the pavement.
A stamp hinge, a folded and gummed paper rectangle for affixing postage stamps in an album.
A principle, or a point in time, on which subsequent reasonings or events depend.

This argument was the hinge on which the question turned.

puhekieltä The median of the upper or lower half of a batch, sample, or probability distribution.
One of the four cardinal points, east, west, north, or south.
When the moon is in the hinge at East.
Nor slept the winds / Within their stony caves, but rush'd abroad / From the four hinges of the world.
puhekieltä To attach by, or equip with a hinge.
puhekieltä To depend on something.
2015, Louise Taylor, Papiss Cissé and Jonny Evans spitting row mars Manchester United’s win over Newcastle (in The Guardian, 4 March 2015)http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/mar/04/newcastle-united-manchester-united-premier-league-match-report
Games can hinge on the sort of controversial decision made by Taylor in the 10th minute. After Rivière collected Gabriel Obertan’s pass and sashayed beyond Daley Blind he drew the United centre- half into a rash, clumsy challenge but, puzzlingly, Taylor detected no penalty.
puhekieltä The breaking off of the distal end of a knapped stone flake whose presumed course across the face of the stone core was truncated prematurely, leaving not a feathered distal end but instead the scar of a nearly perpendicular break.

The flake hinged at an inclusion in the core.

puhekieltä To bend.


(nl-verb form of)
first- and third-person singular subjunctive past of hängen


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image, bridge, sitoumusbridge, college, beige

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