


  1. riippuva, roikkuva

Liittyvät sanat: leaning down



  1. tukeminen, ripustaminen, teloitus, kuolemanrangaistus, kuolemantuomio, hirttäjäiset, hirttäminen, hirtto, koriste, somiste, koristus, ornamentti, koriste-esine, alttarin peräseinän vaate, verho, seinävaate, Kakemono.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



hirttäminen, hirtto, hirttäjäiset


verho (present participle of)
suspend Suspended.

The hanging vines made the house look older than it was.

puhekieltä Unprotected and exposed to capture.
puhekieltä hittable Hittable; poorly executed by the pitcher hence relatively easy to hit.


puhekieltä The act of hanging a person (or oneself) by the neck in order to execute that person (or to commit suicide).

Hanging is the punishment for one convicted of war crimes, there.

puhekieltä A public event at which a person is hanged.

The hanging of the bandits was attended by the whole village.

puhekieltä Anything that is hang hung as a decorative element (such as curtains, gobelins or posters).

The various hangings on that Christmas tree look nice.

puhekieltä The way in which hangings (decorations) are arranged.

I dislike the cramped hanging in the gallery of 18th century painters.


hanging rimmaa näiden kanssa:

drag racing, icing, bodybuilding, sightseeing, stretching, desktop publishing, body stocking, smoking, quisling, happening

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