


  1. opas, matkaopas (henkilö)

  2. opas, avustaja

  3. opas, opaskirja

  4. tiennäyttäjä, tienviitta kuv. osviitta

  5. (tyttö) partiolainen (partiolle rinnakkaisen Girl Guides -järjestön jäsen)

  6. sodankäynti|k=en tunnustelija

Esimerkkejä guide sanan käytöstä:

We had a 'guide' on the trip. – Meillä oli matkalla opas.

sighted guide – näkövammaisen avustaja

'Guide' is a document or book that offers information or instruction.

Katso myös: lokalisoida

Liittyvät sanat: travel guide



  1. ohjain, opaste, merkintä, rakennelma, asiantuntija, erityisosaaja, ekspertti, johtaja, päällikkö, matkailuopas, opas, metsästysopas, tiedustelija, tunnustelija.

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opastaa Someone who Verb guides, especially someone hired to show people around a place or an institution and offer information and explanation.

The guide led us around the museum and explained the exhibits.

Bible, Psalms xlviii. 14
He will be our guide, even unto death.
A document or book that offers information or instruction; guidebook.
A sign that guides people; guidepost.
Any marking or object that catches the eye to provide quick reference.
A device that guides part of a machine, or guides motion or action.
A blade or channel for directing the flow of water to the buckets in a water wheel.
A grooved director for a probe or knife in surgery.
puhekieltä A strip or device to direct the compositor's eye to the line of copy being set.
puhekieltä A spirit believed to speak through a medium.
puhekieltä A member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest.
to serve as a guide for someone or something; to lead or direct in a way; to conduct in a course or path.
Guide me to your sovereign's court.
to steer or navigate, especially a ship or as a pilot.
to exert control or influence over someone or something.
Bible, Psalms cxii. 5
He will guide his affairs with discretion.
to supervise the education or training of someone.
puhekieltä to act as a guide.
(l) person
guidebook, or set itinerary.
(monikko) guida|lang=it
a (l) (person who guides)
(verbal noun of)


guide rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kaide, suojakaide, suorakaide, alttarikaide, sillankaide, porraskaide, melukaide, raide, pistoraide, sivuraide

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