


  1. naarmu, raapaisu

Liittyvät sanat: grazing



  1. napsia, napostella, natustella, maistella, syödä, käyttää ravintonaan, laiduntaa, hipaista, pyyhkäistä, sipaista, pyyhkiä, sukia, sivellä, koskettaa, nyhtää, syödä nyhtäen, olla laitumella, kulkea, liikkua, vaellella, vaeltaa.

Lisää synonyymejää



olla laitumella


pyyhkäistä, hipaista

napostella The act of grazing; a scratching or injuring lightly on passing.
A light abrasion; a slight scratch.
puhekieltä To feed or supply (cattle, sheep, etc.) with grass; to furnish pasture for.
Jonathan Swift

a field or two to graze his cows
1999: Although it is perfectly good meadowland, none of the villagers has ever grazed animals on the meadow on the other side of the wall. — Stardust, Neil Gaiman, page 4 (2001 Perennial Edition).
puhekieltä To feed on; to eat (growing herbage); to eat grass from (a pasture); to browse.

Cattle graze in the meadows.

Alexander Pope
The lambs with wolves shall graze the verdant mead.
1993, John Montroll, Origami Inside-Out (page 41)
The bird Canada goose is more often found on land than other waterfowl because of its love for seeds and grains. The long neck is well adapted for grazing.
puhekieltä To tend (cattle, etc.) while grazing.
when Jacob grazed his uncle Laban's sheep
puhekieltä To rub or touch lightly the surface of (a thing) in passing.

the bullet grazed the wall

1851, w:Herman Melville|Herman Melville, w:Moby Dick|Moby Dick, s:Moby-Dick/Chapter 23|chapter 23
But in that gale, the port, the land, is that ship’s direst jeopardy; she must fly all hospitality; one touch of land, though it but graze the keel, would make her shudder through and through.
puhekieltä To cause a slight wound to; to scratch.

to graze ones knee''

puhekieltä To yield grass for grazing.
Francis Bacon
The sewers must be kept so as the water may not stay too long in the spring; for then the ground continueth the wet, whereby it will never graze to purpose that year.
(nl-verb form of)

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