


  1. kultainen mkuv

Esimerkkejä golden sanan käytöstä:

to have a golden opportunity



  1. väri-, kullan-, kullanvärinen, kultainen, kullattu, kulta-, onnellinen, iloinen, tyytyväinen, suotuisa, auvoisa, vauras, metallinen, metalli-.

Lisää synonyymejää



kultainen, kullanvärinen

kullattu, kulta-

suotuisa Made of, or relating to, gold.

She wore a golden crown.

Having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold.

Under a golden sun.

Marked by prosperity, creativity etc.

The Renaissance was a golden era.

the Golden Horseshoe

(RQ:Fielding Tom Jone)
O Partridge! could I hope once again to see that face; but, alas! all those golden dreams are vanished for ever, and my only refuge from future misery is to forget the object of all my former happiness.
advantageous Advantageous or very favourable.

This is a golden opportunity

... a seasoned Champions League outfit, who beat Barcelona at the Nou Camp in 2009-10 and continually worked their way between the home defence to create some golden opportunities.
Relating to a fiftieth anniversary.

Its not long until our golden wedding.''

Relating to the elderly or retired.

After retiring, Bob and Judy moved to Arizona to live out their golden years.

puhekieltä fine Fine, without problems.
2007, Colin Barr, Steve Katai, The Complete Idiots Guide to Triathlon Training'', Penguin (ISBN 9781440625671), page 28
Many anti-fog variety goggles are available, but if you don&39;t get that type, just rub a little spit on the lenses before you put them on in the water and you&39;ll be golden.
2009, Mark Wiskup, Presentation S.O.S.: From Perspiration to Persuasion in 9 Easy Steps, Hachette UK (ISBN 9780446568760)
Therefore, the task ahead is easy. When the spotlight is on you, never let the audience down and you&39;ll be golden.
2011, Wayne R. Dempsey, 101 Projects for Your Porsche Boxster, Motorbooks (ISBN 9781610607957), page 68
If all of the marks line up perfectly, then you&39;re golden, and you can continue on with finishing up the installation.


golden rimmaa näiden kanssa:

eeden, kahden, kohden, nähden, tähden, sen tähden, minkä tähden, loden, myöden

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

gnuu, go-go, go-go-tyttö, gobeliini, golf, golfaaja

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